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AWI Extension NSW Webinar: OJD update and keeping the disease under control in sheep flocks

Date and Time: Thursday, 11th April 2024 1:00 pm AEST
Presenters: Thomas Burke and Robert Barwell
Host: Dr Fiona Macarthur, AWI EXTENSION NSW
Ovine Johne’s disease (OJD) is caused by bacteria Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. Infection in sheep results in chronic intestinal infection. The bacteria are spread to other animals through infected faeces contaminating pasture and water supplies. Infected animals show varying signs of disease and shed the bacteria while non symptomatic. There is no cure or treatment for OJD. There is a vaccine available which assists in reducing mortalities and the shedding of the bacteria.
This webinar will discuss all facets of the disease, as well as the impacts that a sound vaccination program can have on flocks.