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AWI Extension NSW Webinar - eID for sheep and what you need to do to comply

With Kiowa Fenner - NSW DPI Director: Sheep and Goat Traceability, JUNE 2024. This webinar will discuss the basics around eID’s and what you must do to be compliant with the changes to the rules. The webinar will cover what equipment you may (or may not) need, changes to the way you buy and sell your stock and importantly who you can ask for help.
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Example Article Page with Blocks
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Sheep health and welfare
Flies, lice, worms and diseases are a major cost for woolgrowers. Resources, tools and workshops are available to help manage these risks by implementing best practice management to improve the health and welfare of your sheep.
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Reproduction is key to a sustainable flock. There are many practical management tools and guidelines to implement best practice management and optimise reproduction rates. Effective management of joining, lambing and weaning will influence sheep wellbeing and productivity.
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