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AWTA & AWI Webinar: Introducing the Australian Wool Traceability Hub

You're invited to join the Australian Wool Testing Authority (AWTA) and Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) for an introduction to the Australian Wool Traceability Hub (AWTH). The webinar will include a demonstration of the newly launched platform as well as information about how you can get involved.
An industry owned and led initiative, the AWTH is an opportunity for the Australian wool industry to get ahead of the curve when it comes to Australian wool's Emergency Animal Disease response plan as well as end-to-end commercial traceability from farm to first stage processor.
The AWTH will:
- Support Australian wool’s Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) response plan
- Provide an end-to-end Traceability System for domestic wool bale movements from grower to processor
- Integrate with Integrity Schemes to verify grower membership and streamline administrative activities